2/10/06 4:06


�It�s almost like my dream home. The first time I came here, I looked at the place and I was like, whoa!�
- Tajae Auld, sixth grade, Adelaide Price Elementary School

�We do the same as in school, but not like Tiger Woods does. Tiger does it more fun. Every time I go to sleep, I always think, what will happen tomorrow?�
- Eduardo Perez, fifth grade, John Marshall Elementary School 


ANAHEIM - He's one of the greatest golfers of all time. Last week, he won the Dubai Desert Classic. But it all started in Orange County. And now, Tiger Woods is giving back with a $25 million learning center in Anaheim. Woods, born in Cypress and an alum of Anaheim's Western High School, talked to the Register about his center and his memories:

Q: When Tiger Woods opens a center, the first thought is golf. Why the focus on education?

A: Our foundation is not golf-based. It is merely something we offer. But there's more to life than just golf. My whole upbringing was based upon education. And I think that's why I chose this path. Golf is what I chose to do, but without my parents emphasizing education, I would not be here right now.

Q: Why did you choose to focus on career exploration?

A: It's (the kids). They created the curriculum. 'We want to learn how to make a rap album. How do you create a building? We love CSI.' So why don't we supplement the things that they're learning in school with this? They're so much more motivated when they come through these programs because they want to learn. When they go back to school, they'll be more motivated to go to school and get better grades.

Q: You grew up in Cypress. You went to Western High School. You used to play at Dad Miller. How does it feel to give back?

A: It's the greatest thing ever. It just gives me chills. I tried to act like I was cool and say hello to everybody. I was just trying to hold back tears. You don't want to bawl in front of them (laughs). I see these kids in here, and they're learning and they're growing and they're so excited to go to school. That's what I want to see. Because these kids weren't fired up before, and now they're fired up. These are going to be the leaders for tomorrow.

Q: What are some of your greatest memories from your days here?

A: I got hit in the shoulder and the head one time (at Dad Miller). It split me wide open in the head. As a joke, we did one time to our coach (Don Crosby), we all showed up in hardhats. We had some good times.

Q: What about in school, at Western?

A:Mr. Taylor was my ... algebra teacher. He's passed away. He'd talk about life, about what I wanted to do with my future, and things he didn't have to do, but I ended up talking to him for an hour or two here and there. It was just really cool. And Mr. Tozzie was great. He was a history teacher. He was so enthusiastic about teaching, and about the subject matter. It was infectious.

Q: How did the demographics of this area play into the decision to locate the center here?

A: Not everyone has the opportunity to purchase a computer. But here ... they have 200-some odd computers here they can choose from and then work at. We're trying to bridge that gap, and give them the same opportunities that other kids have. And you'll find, because of their background, and because they've always had to work harder, that they may accomplish more because they have that work ethic. Sometimes they just need a little kick in the pants.

Q: When did the idea for this center come to you?

A:I can't remember an exact moment. I just remember driving home after 9/11 happened. I drove home from St. Louis to Florida. In that drive, I just kept thinking that I felt like we haven't done enough. It didn't hit me to build this center right away. About a month or so later, I thought, we need to build a building. Not a golf building.

Q: You must have learned a lot over the years about what it takes to set apart a person who has great success.

A: Work ethic. I look at it in golf terms, because I wasn't the most talented. But I out-worked everybody. And I always wanted to become an overachiever. And I think I was lucky enough to have worked hard enough to get where I'm at. But I worked pretty darn hard.

Q: What is your dream for these kids?

A: For them to lead, be positive. For them to have just a wonderful, happy life. Achieving the things they want to achieve but ultimately to give back. For them to lead and show how they did it.
