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Download Blue Notes - May 2004

The Official Newsletter of the Deutsche Bank Championship

Welcome to the debut issue of Blue Notes, the official newsletter for the Deutsche Bank Championship. In it, you will find information for and about the Deutsche Bank Championship, as well as the PGA TOUR, the Tournament Players Club of Boston and local golf happenings. Over the next few months, Blue Notes will offer up many interesting and informative articles to our volunteers, sponsors and spectators.

As the daffodils pop and the weather warms, thoughts of golf are springing into everyone�s head. Meanwhile, down in Norton, our staff and volunteer leadership are all hard at work preparing for the 2004 Deutsche Bank Championship, and the countdown has begun for Adam Scott�s defense of the Deutsche Bank Championship title. But don�t count out Tiger Woods, who has announced his intention to play and is looking forward to competing for the first place prize of $900,000 against a world-class PGA TOUR field.

Of course, the children of the Tiger Woods Foundation are the biggest winners at the Championship. Once again this year, proceeds will benefit the Tiger Woods Foundation as well as several local charities. This year is shaping up to be equally as successful as 2003, where we raised a record-setting $1.5 million.

But we need you to help make it happen by volunteering. We extend our earnest thanks to everyone who volunteered during the 2003 Championship. We need you again in 2004. There are several areas where we need more volunteers, so bring friends! Remember the benefits of volunteering include a parking pass for the entire week, lunch vouchers, a credential for the entire week and the Championship volunteer uniform (at a $75 cost).

If you are interested in learning more about volunteering, please contact Keith Driscoll in the Championship Headquarters at 508.285.8752 by July 15, and request a registration form, or visit the volunteer page of our website to register and pay for your volunteer package online. For those who volunteered with us in 2003, look for information to arrive through email or regular mail. We look forward to seeing you again, August 31 � September 6.

On MONDAY, APRIL 5, tickets went on sale to the general public at 10:00 a.m. The message for 2004 is GET IN EARLY! Tickets for the 2003 event were SOLD OUT by the second week of August for the inaugural Championship. We anticipate that they will sell out even faster in 2004.

Tickets can be purchased on this website or by calling TicketMaster at (866) GOLF-TIX or visiting www.ticketmaster.com. Tickets will be sold on a first-come, first-served basis for each day and are limited to 10 tickets per person. Advance ticket prices will be in effect until June 1, or until the event is sold out. Attendance at the Deutsche Bank Championship will be limited to 25,000 people per day.

The best ticket deal is a Championship Weekly Grounds Booklet, which can be purchased for $120 ($130 if purchased on or following June 1). This package includes admission to the grounds for all seven days of the Championship (Tuesday � Monday).

The Palmer Pavilion/Michelob Ultra 19th Hole booklet, which can be purchased for $210 ($220 if purchased on or following June 1), allows admission to the Championship grounds and the well-appointed Palmer Pavilion for all seven days. Each booklet will include individual tickets for each day of the Championship. The Palmer Pavilion/Michelob Ultra 19th Hole is an upscale marquee fully equipped with tables, chairs, TVs, retail food court and patio areas.

Single-day tickets (grounds-only passes for individual days) can be purchased for any day. They are $20 per day ($25 purchased on or following June 1) for Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, and $40 per day ($45 purchased on or following June 1) for Friday through Monday.

Championship week for the Deutsche Bank Championship begins with practice rounds on Tuesday, August 31, and Wednesday, September 1, and a pro-am competition on Thursday, September 2. The four-day Championship begins Friday, September 3, and continues through Labor Day, Monday, September 6 � the only official Monday finish on the PGA TOUR. The first two rounds of the Championship will be covered on USA Network and the final two rounds will be televised on ABC-TV.

If you have not visited www.deutschebankchampionship.com recently, then you have not seen the new additions and changes to our site. We have updated the navigation bars, making the site easier than ever to use. We have also added new content, including an online volunteer registration page and an online version of this newsletter. To see it all, just explore the website today.

While everyone else was putting golf clubs into storage, the TPC of Boston was working diligently to improve the course for the PGA TOUR arrival in 2004. The near two-year-old golf course had 12 greens re-graded and reshaped, 15 fairways that have been narrowed or leveled and two holes that have been realigned for better play. The TOUR players will return to find a new course over Labor Day. All the changes will enhance the playing experience for all from hack to scratch.

The Commonwealth of Massachusetts officially declared Wednesday, November 19, 2003, Deutsche Bank Championship Volunteer Appreciation Day. To celebrate this day, Funway Caf� & Christina�s of Foxborough hosted an evening full of music and dancing, raffles and prizes, and awards. It was a chance to catch up with old friends and get re-acquainted with new ones made during Championship Week.

The party was also a �thank you� to all of the volunteers for the more than 50,000 combined hours they worked to achieve our charity goal. Although the night was a celebration of all the volunteers who helped make the Championship a success, five people in particular were honored with plaques in recognition of their hard work. Susan Lewis (Will Call), Kathie Piusz (Office Staff), Willard �HP� Plummer (Ecology), JJ Donovan (Transportation), and Tom Lebretore (Volunteer Chairman) exemplified the volunteer spirit and mission, giving generously of their time, energy and talents.

We would also like thank our sponsors who donated items for our raffle: Anheuser-Busch, Boston Celtics, Boston Red Sox, Greater Media, New England Patriots, Titleist, Upper Deck and, most importantly, Funway Caf� & Christina�s, who donated the venue. We could not have had such a successful night without their support.

The inaugural Deutsche Bank Championship set a PGA TOUR record of $1.5 million for the highest charitable contribution by a first-year event. The Tiger Woods Foundation, selected in November 2002 as the beneficiary of the Deutsche Bank Championship, has chosen youth-driven organizations in Massachusetts, Rhode Island and Southern California as the primary recipients of funds raised from the inaugural Championship, held August 29 � September 1, 2003.

The Tiger Woods Foundation chose the Massachusetts Golf Association�s ForeKids Golf Program, Boston�s Citydance program and the Boys and Girls Clubs of Boston and the Greater Providence area based on each organization�s commitment to improving the lives of children in New England. Proceeds will also benefit the Tiger Woods Learning Center in Southern California.

The MGA ForeKids Golf Program and its newly opened 18-hole junior development and enrichment facility, MGA Links at Mamantapett, work to expand the game of golf to all segments of Massachusetts� population in this, the 100th anniversary of the MGA.

Boston Ballet�s Citydance, a scholarship dance program offered to Boston�s third-grade students, offers students of all socio-economic backgrounds the chance to learn various dance forms. The Boys and Girls Clubs of Boston and the Greater Providence area offer various program activities and support services designed to help boys and girls develop the qualities needed to become responsible citizens and leaders.

The Tiger Woods Learning Center will be an innovative and important facility that provides a place for underserved youth ages 8 to 17 to supplement their academic studies and advance their educational growth. Scheduled to open in 2005, the Center is currently conducting a two-year fundraising campaign to raise the $25 million to fund the facility.

This amount could not have been raised without special assistance from the sponsors, fans and volunteers of New England. Thank you!

March is the time of year when we all start dusting off the clubs, imagining that we are better golfers than we actually are, and preparing for the start of the season which is, at last, only one short month away. It�s the perfect time for the National Golf Expo Boston, which opened its doors March 5, 6 & 7 at the Bayside Expo Center in Boston. The show included demonstrations of what�s new in golf for 2004, opportunities to volunteer for some great events, and US!

Thank you to Sue Powers, John Clifford, HP & Judy Plummer, Nancy Hubeck, Dan Moulton, Valerie Gribb, Al Cameron, George Bogosian, Jim Deasy, Jimmy Tierney and Tom Lebretore for helping us spread the excitement of the 2004 Championship.

Championship Staff
Jay Monahan � Championship Director
Eric Baldwin � Director of Operations
Keith Driscoll � Championship Manager
Ian Frenette � Championship Marketing Relations

Contact Info
300 Arnold Palmer Blvd.
Norton, MA 02766
P: 866.455.7434
P: 508.285.8333
F: 508.285.4849

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