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The Wall Street Journal




The Wall Street Journal, the flagship publication of Dow Jones &
Company (NYSE: DJ; www.dowjones.com), is the world's leading business
publication. Founded in 1889, The Wall Street Journal has a print and
online circulation of nearly 2.1 million, reaching the nation's top
business and political leaders, as well as investors across the 
country. Holding 31 Pulitzer Prizes for outstanding journalism, the Journal 
seeks to help its readers succeed by providing essential and relevant
information, presented accurately and fairly, from an authoritative 
and trusted source. The Wall Street Journal print franchise has more than
600 journalists world-wide, part of the Dow Jones network of nearly
1,900 business and financial news staff. Other publications that are
part of The Wall Street Journal franchise, with total circulation 
of 2.7 million, include The Wall Street Journal Asia, The Wall Street Journal
Europe and The Wall Street Journal Online at WSJ.com, the largest paid
subscription news site on the Web. In 2006, the Journal was ranked 
No. 1 in BtoB's Media Power 50 for the seventh consecutive year.

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